Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security

Seminar: Research on Augmented Reality: "The Next Big Thing"


Basic Information
Type of Lecture: Seminar
Course: Master
Hours/Week: 2
Credit Points: 6
Language: English
Term: Summer 2017
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Content of the Course


"I do think that a significant portion of the population of developed countries, and eventually all countries, will have AR experiences every day, almost like eating three meals a day. It will become that much a part of you."(Tim Cook, CEO Apple)
This quote is a first sign that Augmented Reality (AR) has the potential to become the "next big thing" in our digital world. Current trends like Pokémon Go - the fastest adopted app of all time - show the actual potential AR has. At the moment, we stand at the beginning of the development which makes it important and highly interesting to investigate the topic from a scientific point of view.
This seminar tries to deepen our understand of economic, regulatory, behavioral, technical and privacy related issues related to AR. Students will work on the different research topics and learn and apply theoretical as well as empirical research methodologies like systematic literature reviews, quantitative user studies and qualitative interviews. Cloud storage services like Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox are top-rated among companies and private users. However, the fact that with such services, data is stored outside of the premises of the company/user often raises concerns about data security in terms of privacy, confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Lern- und Kompetenzziele

• Basiswissen zur technisch-ökonomischen Bewertung von Augmented Reality und damit verbundener Themen wie Privacy (LGBWL-1)
• Kommunikation der erarbeiteten Ergebnisse in übersichtlicher und verständlicher Art und Weise (LGBWL-4)
• Kritische Diskussion aller Arbeitsergebnisse in der Gruppe (LGBWL-4)

Die Anzahl der Teilnehmer ist auf 20 Studenten beschränkt. Die Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung erfolgt über die Website der Professur ( nach dem First-Come First-Served Prinzip. Die Registrierung wird am 01. April um 14 Uhr freigeschaltet und am 12. April 2017 um 14 Uhr geschlossen. Prüfungsanmeldung und Rücktritt sind in der vom Prüfungsamt vorgegebenen Anmeldephase möglich und werden in erster Linie in der Vorbesprechung ausgeübt. Nach erfolgter Prüfungsanmeldung und Ablauf der Rücktrittsfrist führt die Nichtteilnahme am Seminar zum Nichtbestehen. 

Der Leistungsnachweis ist in Form einer schriftlichen Hausarbeit (60%) und eines Seminarvortrags (40%) zu erbringen. Nichtbestehen einer Teilleistung führt zum Nichtbestehen insgesamt. Es werden u.a. folgende Themen angeboten:

1. Topic: Work out historical and current developments of AR based on a systematic literature review
2. Topic: How much and what do regular internet users know about AR? - A quantitative user survey
3. Topic: The case of Microsoft Hololens: Compare it to other historica cases of innovation diffusion and work out differences and similarities to predict the future adoption behavior and requirements of AR lenses in general
4. Topic: Factors influencing the adoption of AR lenses based on a grounded theory approach
5. Topic: Predicting the future of AR based on M&A activities based on a quantitative analysis
6. Topic: Which role do users privacy concerns play in adapting AR technologies? - A quantitative user survey
Further topics will be provided during the time before the registration. The methodologies will be presented and discussed in the group before the allocation of the topics. Students are still required to work through the methodology of their topic carefully.
Kick-Off Slides