Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security

Dr. Ahmed-Seid Yesuf

External Members

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 4
Office 2.236, RuW Building
D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
Research Interests
  • Information Security Management
  • Security and Fraud Risk Analysis
  • Cybersecurity
  • Security Engineering and Modeling
  • Requirement Engineering
Curriculum Vitae 

Ahmed Seid Yesuf holds his B.Sc. degree in the field of Computer Science and IT with a distinction in Haramaya University, Ethiopia in 2009 and he holds his M.Sc. degree in computer science (Informatics) with specialization of Design and Engineering in October 2013 in Trento University, Italy. His thesis concentrates on implementing a framework for a context-aware and computer-aided attack tree modeling approach for software development. He has done his internship and M.Sc. thesis in SAP Next Business and Research Karlsruhe, Germany.
Since November 2013, he was working as a Scientific Researcher and Ph.D. candidate at the chair of Mobile Business and Multilateral Security at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt (Germany). In October 2019, he has successfully defended his Ph.D. in the area of Security and Fraud Prevention of E-services, at the Department of Computer Science (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science -- FB12) Goethe University Frankfurt. 
(See the LinkedIn page for more information)  

Thesis Supervision
  • 2019: Varinderpal Singh, “Survey on Security Risk Assessment of IoT (Internet of Things)”, M.Sc. thesis.
  • 2016: Christopher Otto, “How Impersonation of Customers & Businesses Contributes to Fraud Risks of Electronic Commerce Companies”, B.Sc. thesis.
  • 2014: Hartusch, Wolf-Jaromir, “Comparison of Socio-Technical Modeling Approaches in the Domain of Telecommunication”, M.Sc. thesis.
Academic Paper Reviews (Journals and Conferences/workshops)

I am involved in various journal and conference/workshop paper reviews), including the following. 

  • Computers and Security journal
  • IJAIT (International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools)
  • ESORICS (European Symposium on Research in Computer Security)
  • NORDSEC (Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems)
  • IFIP SEC (IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference)
  • DPM (International Workshop on Data Privacy Management)
  • ISPEC (Information Security Practice and Experience Conference)
  • CRiSIS (International Conference on Risks and Security of
    Internet and Systems)
  • BIOSIG (International Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group)
  • IWSEC (International Workshop on Security)
Refereed Publications
Reviewed Project Publications
  • Ahmed S. Yesuf, R. Wieringa, L. Wolos, M. Ford, S. Bleikertz, M. Martins, S. Saraiva, M. Fraile. 2015. "Final Requirements for Implementation of Case Studies (D7.1.2)",, TREsPASS.
  • S. Bleikertz, J.-W. Bullée, M. Ford, O. Gadyatskaya, D. Gollmann, R.R. Hansen, D. Ionita, H. Jonkers, L. Mon- toya, C.W. Probst, S. Saraiva, A. Tanner, S. Übelacker, L. Wolos, A.S. Yesuf. 2015. "Extensibility of Socio-Technical Security Models (D1.3.2)",, TREsPASS.
  • S. Bleikertz, J.W. Bullée, M. Ford, D. Ionita, H. Jonkers, L. Montoya, S. Saraiva, A. Tan- ner, A.S. Yesuf, J. Willemson, C.W. Probst. 2015. "Dynamic features of socio-technical security models (D1.3.3)",, TREsPASS.
  • M. Ford A. Lenin, O. Gadyatskaya, D. Ionita, A. Tan- ner, S. Saraiva. 2015. "First report on the integrated TREsPASS process (D5.4.1)".
  • Ahmed S. Yesuf, Lars Wolos, Roel Wieringa, Dan Ionita, Margaret Ford. 2014. "Results from Case Study B: Telecommunication Services (D7.3.1)",, TREsPASS.
  • Jan-Willem Bullée, Sören Bleikertz, Mar- garet Ford, René Rydhof Hansen, Ma- rieta Georgieva Ivanova, Lorena Mon- toya, Christian W. Probst, Sven Übelacker, Ahmed S. Yesuf. 2014. "Initial Policy-Specification Language (D1.2.1)",, TREsPASS.