Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security

Dipl.-Kfm. Lars Wolos

External Members

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Research Interests
  • Fraudulent use (misuse) of fixed and mobile telecommunications networks
  • Fraud forecast & monitoring of fraud scenarios
  • Implications of technology shifts and innovations for the telecommunications market
  • The future of the telecommunications industry
Curriculum Vitae 

Lars Wolos holds a diploma in business administration from Goethe-University. While focusing on Business Informatics during his studies and with a strong background in telecommunications, he now works at the Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security as research & teaching assistant and PhD student since January 2010.

Refereed Publications
Working Papers
  • Bal, Gökhan; Hegen, Marvin; Koschinat, Sascha; Weber, Christian; Wolos, Lars . 2009. "Study on IdM related Data Assets on the basis of current IdM Player’s Data-Handling".
  • Koschinat, Sascha; Wolos, Lars . 2009. "Catalogue of Identity Management Functions".
Reviewed Project Publications
  • Ahmed S. Yesuf, Lars Wolos, Roel Wieringa, Dan Ionita, Margaret Ford. 2014. "Results from Case Study B: Telecommunication Services (D7.3.1)",, TREsPASS.