Dr. Shuzhe Yang
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Research Interests
- Online Reputation Management
- Online Self-tracking
- Privacy in Web 2.0
- Selective Information Disclosure
- Information System Design & Architectures
Curriculum Vitae
Shuzhe Yang works at the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security. He holds a doctoral degree and a Master of Science degree from the Goethe University Frankfurt. From 2011 to 2016, he worked as research and teaching assistant at the Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security at Goethe University Frankfurt. His research focusses on online reputation management, identity management, privacy, data protection, mobile security, information security, and information systems architectures.
Refereed Publications
- Shuzhe Yang, Anabel Quan-Haase, Kai Rannenberg. 2016. "The changing public sphere on Twitter: Network structure, elites, and topics of the #righttobeforgotten", New Media & Society, pp. 1-20, DOI:10.1177/1461444816651409, http://nms.sagepub.com/content/early/2016/06/13/1461444816651409.full.pdf+html, Sage Publications.
- Shuzhe Yang. 2016. "Understanding the Pain: Examining Individuals’ Online Reputation Management Behaviour and its Obstacles – A Grounded Theory", The 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2016).
- Shuzhe Yang, Anabel Quan-Haase. 2016. "People’s sentiment with regard to the right to be forgotten", Social Media and Society.
- Heim, Stephan; Yang, Shuzhe. 2015. "Content Attractiveness in Enterprise Social Networks", Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media (ECSM).
- Shuzhe Yang. 2015. "Understanding Personal Online Reputation Management: A Grounded Theory Study", In: Proceedings of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015).
- Shuzhe Yang. 2015. "Why Are People So Naïve? Long-term Motivation in Online Reputation Management: A Grounded Theory Study", Proceedings of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2015).
- Yang, Shuzhe; Albers, Andreas . 2013. "Overcoming Information Overload in Online Reputation Management: A Systematic Literature Review.", Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Leontaridis, Lefteris; Andersson, Thomas; Leitold, Herbert; Zwattendorfer, Bernd; Yang, Shuzhe; Lindholm, Pasi . 2013. "The INDI Ecosystem of privacy-aware", pp. 45-57, Wiesbaden, Germany.
- Yang, Shuzhe; Bal, Gökhan . 2012. "Balancing Security and Usability of Local Security Mechanisms for Mobile Devices", Crete, Greece.
- Gürses Seda; Krontiris, Ioannis; Sabouri, Ahmad; Pashalidis, Andreas; Yang, Shuzhe; Zwattendorfer, Bernd. 2012. "A Privacy Policy Framework for the INDI ecosystem", GINI.
Working Papers
- Zwattendorfer, Bernd; Leitold, Herbert; Yang, Shuzhe; Andersson, Thomas; Leontaridis, Lefteris; Lindholm, Pasi . 2012. "D5.1 - A longer-term research and implementation roadmap towards a fully user-centric INDI ecosystem", GINI.
- Van Alsenoy, Brendan; Lievens, Eva; Janssen, Katleen; Dumortier, Jos; Rannenberg, Kai; Yang, Shuzeh; Andersson, Thomas; Abbas, Qammar; Leitold, Herbert; Zwattendorfer, Bernd . 2012. "D3.2 - A Regulatory Framework for INDI Operators", GINI.
- Leitold, Herbert; Zwattendorfer, Bernd; Andersson, Thomas; Leontaridis, Lefteris; Lindholm, Pasi; Yang, Shuzhe . 2012. "D5.2 - White Paper on the establishment of an INDI Operator Market across the EU", GINI.
- Royer, Denis; Yang, Shuzhe . 2009. "D3.17: Identity Management Systems – recent developments", FIDIS, Frankfurt, Germany.