Prof. Dr. Kai Rannenberg
Chair Holder
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+49 (0) 69 / 798 34701 (Phone)
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D-60323 Frankfurt am Main
Curriculum Vitae
Kai Rannenberg holds the Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security at Goethe University Frankfurt since 2002 and a Visiting Professorship at the National Institute for Informatics (Tokyo, Japan) since 2012. Until 2002, he was working with the System Security Group at Microsoft Research Cambridge on „Personal Security Devices & Privacy Technologies“.
1993-1999 Kai coordinated the interdisciplinary “Kolleg Security in Communication Technology”, sponsored by Gottlieb Daimler & Karl Benz Foundation researching Multilateral Security. In parallel he did his PhD at Freiburg University on IT Security Evaluation Criteria and the protection of users and subscribers. Before Kai had completed an Informatics-Diploma (Master) at TU Berlin with a focus on privacy, security, and distributed and real-time systems.
Since 1991 Kai is active in ISO/IEC standardization in JTC 1/SC 27/WG 3 “Security evaluation criteria”. 2007 he became Convenor of SC 27/WG 5 “Identity management and privacy technologies”. In 2015/16 Kai Rannenberg served as the Chair of the Strategic Advisory Group on Industry 4.0/Smart manufacturing of the ISO Technical Management Board.
Since September 2021 Kai is the IFIP Honorary Treasurer and since September 2024 President-elect. Before he was an IFIP Vice President since 2015 and an IFIP Councillor since 2009. Since 2014 he is Chair of the IFIP Publications Committee and Editor-in-chief of the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. From 2007 till 2013 Kai chaired IFIP TC-11 “Security and Privacy Protection in Information Processing Systems”, after having been its Vice-Chair since 2001.
Kai is also active in the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS) chairing its Legal & Security Issues Special Interest Network (LSI) since 2003 and serving in its Board of Directors since 2019.
From 2004 till 2013 Kai served as the academic expert in the Management Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency, and from 2013 till 2022 in ENISA’s Advisory Group (till 2019 named Permanent Stakeholder Group).
Kai has been coordinating several leading EU research projects, e.g. the Network of Excellence “Future of Identity in the Information Society” and the Integrated Project “Attribute based Credentials for Trust” (ABC4Trust) and is coordinating CyberSec4Europe, a pilot for the European Cybersecurity Competence Network the EU is aiming for.
Kai's research interests include:
- Mobile and embedded systems and Multilateral Security in e.g. M-Business, LBS, transport systems, and industrial applications
- Privacy and identity management, especially attribute based authorisation
- Communication infrastructures and devices, e.g. personal security assistants and services;
- Security and privacy standardisation, evaluation, and certification.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1998. "Zertifizierung mehrseitiger IT-Sicherheit – Kriterien und organisatorische Rahmenbedingungen", In: Reihe DuD-Fachbeiträge, ISBN: 3-528-05666-8,, Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Stefan Schiffner, Jetzabel Serna, Demosthenes Ikonomou, Kai Rannenberg. 2016. "Privacy Technologies and Policy - 4th Annual Privacy Forum", ISBN: 978-3-319-44760-5, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-44760-5, Springer International Publishing.
- Kai Rannenberg, Jan Camenisch, Ahmad Sabouri (eds.). 2015. "Attribute-based Credentials for Trust: Identity in the Information Society", ISBN: 978-3-319-14438-2, Springer International Publishing.
- Koschinat, Sascha; Bal, Gökhan; Weber, Christian; Rannenberg, Kai . 2011. "Privacy and Identity Management for Life", ISBN: 978-3-642-20317-6,, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Varadharajan, Vijay;, Weber, Christian. 2010. "Security and Privacy – Silver Linings in the Cloud", ISBN: 978-3-642-15256-6,, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Markus Bick, Stefan Eulgem, Elgar Fleisch, J. Felix Hampe, Birgitta König-Ries, Franz Lehner, Key Pousttchi, Kai Rannenberg. 2010. "Mobile und Ubiquitäre Informationssysteme", In: GI Edition Proceedings Band 163 Mobile und Ubiquitäre Informationssysteme, ISBN: 978-3-88579-257-4.
- Rannenberg K, Royer D, Deuker A (eds). 2009. "The Future of Identity - Challenges and Opportunities", ISBN: 978-3-540-88480-4,, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Atsuko Miyaji, Hiroaki Kikuchi, Kai Rannenberg. 2007. "Advances in Information and Computer Security ", ISBN: 978-3-540-75651-4, DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-75651-4,, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Simone Fischer-Hübner, Kai Rannenberg, Louise Yngström, Stefan Lindskog. 2006. "Security and Privacy in Dynamic Environments", ISBN: 978-0-387-33406-6, DOI:10.1007/0-387-33406-8,, Springer US.
- Hiroshi Yoshiura, Kouichi Sakurai, Kai Rannenberg, Yuko Murayama, Shin-ichi Kawamura. 2006. "Advances in Information and Computer Security", ISBN: 978-3-540-47700-6, DOI:10.1007/11908739,, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- J. Felix Hampe, Franz Lehner, Key Pousttchi, Kai Rannenberg, Klaus Turowski. 2005. "Mobile Business - Processes,Platforms,Payment", ISBN: 3-88579-388-1.
- Grimm, Rüdiger; Keller, Hubert B., Rannenberg, Kai. 2003. "Informatik 2003 - Mit Sicherheit Informatik", In: Lecture Notes in Informatics, Bonn, Germany.
- Dittrich, Klaus; König, Wolfgang; Oberweis, Andreas; Rannenberg, Kai , Wahlster, Wolfgang. 2003. "Informatik 2003 - Innovative Informatikanwendungen Band 1", In: Lecture Notes in Informatics, Bonn, Germany.
- Dittrich, Klaus; König, Wolfgang; Oberweis, Andreas; Rannenberg, Kai , Wahlster, Wolfgang. 2003. "Informatik 2003 - Innovative Informatikanwendungen Band 2", In: Lecture Notes in Informatics, Bonn, Germany.
- Harborth, D.; Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.. 2020. "Explaining the Technology Use Behavior of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: The Case of Tor and JonDonym", Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs) (forthcoming).
- Veseli, F., Serna-Olvera, J., Pulls, T. and Rannenberg, K. 2019. "Engineering Privacy by Design – Lessons from the Design and Implementation of an Identity Wallet Platform", SAC '19 Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing , ISBN: 978-1-4503-5933-7, pp. 1475-1483 , DOI:, ACM New York, NY, USA ©2019.
- Harborth, D., Hatamian, M., Tesfay, W., Rannenberg, K.. 2019. "A Two-Pillar Approach to Analyze the Privacy Policies and Resource Access Behaviors of Mobile Augmented Reality Applications", Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 5029-5038, Maui, Hawaii.
- M. Hatamian, J. Serna, and K. Rannenberg. 2019. "Revealing the Unrevealed: Mining Smartphone Users Privacy Perception on App Markets", Computers & Security, (83:), Elsevier.
- M. Hatamian, S. Paper, and K. Rannenberg. 2019. "ESARA: A Framework for Enterprise Smartphone Apps Risk Assessment.", 34th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC 2019), Lisbon, Portugal.
- M. Hatamian, N. Momen, L. Fritsch, and K. Rannenberg. 2019. "A Multilateral Privacy Impact Analysis Method for Android Apps", Annual Privacy Forum (APF 2019), Rome, Italy.
- Welderufael B. Tesfay, Jetzabel Serna, Kai Rannenberg. 2019. "PrivacyBot: Detecting Privacy Sensitive Information in Unstructured Texts. ", In proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security. Granada, Spain., IEEE.
- Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.. 2019. "Applying Privacy Patterns to the Internet of Things' (IoT) Architecture", Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) -- The Journal of SPECIAL ISSUES on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing, (24:3), pp. 925-933, DOI:10.1007/s11036-018-1148-2,
- Harborth, D., Braun, M., Grosz, A., Pape, S., & Rannenberg, K.. 2018. "Anreize und Hemmnisse für die Implementierung von Privacy-Enhancing Technologies im Unternehmenskontext", Sicherheit 2018: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Beiträge der 9. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), pp. 13-26, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Konstanz.
- Sebastian Pape, Daniel Tasche Iulia Bastys, Akos Grosz, Joerg Laessig, Kai Rannenberg. 2018. "Towards an Architecture for Pseudonymous E-Commerce - Applying Privacy by Design to Online Shopping", To appear In: Sicherheit 2018: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Beiträge der 9. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..
- Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.. 2018. "Cyber-Gefahren auf dem Radar", ManagementKompass: Unternehmen schützen -- Risiken minimieren, (November:03), pp. 9-12,
- Ahmed Seid Yesuf, Lars Wolos, Kai Rannenberg. 2017. "Fraud Risk Modelling: Requirements Elicitation in the Case of Telecom Services", The 8th International Conference on Exploring Service Science, IESS 1.7,
- Ahmed Seid Yesuf, Jetzabel Serna-Olvera, Kai Rannenberg. 2017. "Using Fraud Patterns for Fraud Risk Assessment of E-services", 32nd International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection -- IFIP SEC 2017,
- M. Hatamian, J. Serna, K. Rannenberg, and B. Igler. 2017. "FAIR: Fuzzy Alarming Index Rule for Privacy Analysis in Smartphone Apps", 14th International Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business (TrustBus 2017), pp. 3-18, DOI:,, Springer, Lyon, France.
- Shuzhe Yang, Anabel Quan-Haase, Kai Rannenberg. 2016. "The changing public sphere on Twitter: Network structure, elites, and topics of the #righttobeforgotten", New Media & Society, pp. 1-20, DOI:10.1177/1461444816651409,, Sage Publications.
- Dax, Julian; Ley, Benedikt; Pape, Sebastian; Schmitz, Christopher; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai. 2016. "Elicitation of Requirements for an Inter-Organizational Platform to Support Security Management Decisions", In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2016), Frankfurt, Germany.
- Ioannis Krontiris, Zinaida Benenson, Anna Girard, Ahmad Sabouri, Kai Rannenberg, Peter Schoo. 2016. "Privacy-ABCs as a Case for Studying the Adoption of PETs by Users and Service Providers", In: APF 2015: Privacy Technologies and Policy, ISBN: 978-3-319-31456-3, pp. 104-123, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-31456-3_6,, Springer, Cham.
- Bal, Gökhan; Rannenberg, K., and Hong, J. I. 2015. "Styx: Privacy Risk Communication for the Android Smartphone Platform Based on Apps’ Data-Access Behavior Patterns,", Computers & Security (in press).
- Tschersich, M.; Kiyomoto, S.; Pape, S.; Nakamura, T.; Bal, G.; Takasaki, H. and Rannenberg, K.. 2015. "On Gender Specific Perception of Data Sharing in Japan", In: ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 31st IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2016.
- Kai Rannenberg, Helmut Reimer. 2015. "Chancen neuer Sicherheitsanker?", Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), pp. 257-258 , DOI:10.1007/s11623-015-0407-7,, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
- Fatbardh Veseli, Tsvetoslava Vateva-Gurova, Ioannis Krontiris, Kai Rannenberg, Neeraj Suri. 2014. "Towards a Framework for Benchmarking Privacy-ABC Technologies", ISBN: 978-3-642-55415-5, pp. 197-204,, Springer.
- Bal, Gökhan; Rannenberg, Kai; Hong, Jason. 2014. "Styx: Design and Evaluation of a New Privacy Risk Communication Method for Smartphones", pp. 113–126.,, Marrakech.
- Bal, Gökhan; Rannenberg, Kai . 2014. "User Control Mechanisms for Privacy Protection Should Go Hand in Hand with Privacy-Consequence Information: The Case of Smartphone Apps",, Berlin.
- Ahmad Sabouri, Ioannis Krontiris, Kai Rannenberg. 2014. "Trust Relationships in Privacy-ABCs’ Ecosystems", The 11th International Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business.
- Ahmad Sabouri, Kai Rannenberg. 2014. "ABC4Trust: Protecting Privacy in Identity Management by Bringing Privacy-ABCs into Real-life - Keynote Paper", The 9th International IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management for the Future Internet.
- Ahmad Sabouri, Souheil Bcheri, Kai Rannenberg. 2014. "Privacy-Respecting School Community Interaction Platform", The 3rd Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum,.
- Ahmad Sabouri, Jonas Lindstrøm Jensen, Kasper Lyneborg Damgård, Janus Dam Nielsen, Kai Rannenberg. 2014. "Integrating and trialling Attribute-based Credentials on Smartcards for building Trust - The ABC4Trust project - Keynote Paper", Smartcard Workshop 2014.
- Felix C. Freiling, Rüdiger Grimm, Karl-Erwin Großpietsch, Hubert B. Keller, Jürgen Mottok, Isabel Münch, Kai Rannenberg, Francesca Saglietti. 2014. "Technische Sicherheit und Informationssicherheit, Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten; Informatik-Spektrum",, February 2014, Vol. 37, Issue 1, pp. 14-24, DOI: 10.1007/s00287-013-0748-2,
- Kai Rannenberg. 2014. "Where Security Research Should Go in the Next Decade", In: Secure Data Management 2013, 10th VLDB Workshop, ISBN: 978-3-319-06811-4, pp. 28-32, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-06811-4_6,, Springer, Cham.
- Benenson, Zinaida; Krontiris, Ioannis; Rannenberg, Kai; Schröder, Dominik; Schopf, Alexander; Stamatiou, Yannis; Liagkou, Vasiliki. 2013. "Understanding and Using Anonymous Credentials, poster at the 9th Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2013)", Newcastle, United Kingdom.
- Benenson, Zinaida; Girard, Anna; Krontiris, Ioannis; Liagkou, Vasiliki; Rannenberg, Kai; Stamatiou, Yannis . 2013. "User Acceptance of Privacy-ABCs: An Exploratory Study", Heraklion, Greece.
- Sabouri, Ahmad; Krontiris, Ioannis; Rannenberg, Kai. 2012. "Attribute-based Credentials for Trust (ABC4Trust)", Austria.
- Camenisch, Jan; Krontiris, Ioannis; Lehmann, Anaj; Neven, Gregory; Paquin, Christian; Rannenberg, Kai; Zwingelberg, Harald. 2012. "ABC4Trust Architecture for Developers", ABC4Trust.
- Bjones, Ronny; Krontiris, Ioannis; Paillier, Pascal; Rannenberg, Kai. 2012. "Integrating Anonymous Credentials with eIDs for Privacy-respecting Online Authentication", Limassol, Cyprus.
- Tschersich, Markus; Kahl, Christian; Heim, Stephan; Crane, Stephen; Böttcher, Katja; Krontiris, Ioannis; Rannenberg, Kai. 2011. "Towards Privacy-enhanced Mobile Communities - Architecture", Journal of Systems and Software, Special Issue: Mobile Applications,, Elsevier.
- Krontiris, Ioannis; Leitold, Herbert; Posch, Reinhard; Rannenberg, Kai. 2011. "eID Interoperability", Publicis Publishing, Erlangen, Germany.
- Koschinat, Sascha; Bal, Gökhan; Weber, Christian; Rannenberg, Kai . 2011. "Privacy by Sustainable Identity Management Enablers.", In: Privacy and Identity Management for Life, ISBN: 978-3-642-20317-6, pp. 431- 452, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Kahl, Christian; Crane, Stephen; Tschersich, Markus; Rannenberg, Kai . 2011. "Profit vs. Privacy - Advanced Targeted Advertising for Social Networks.".
- Kahl, Christian; Crane, Stephen; Tschersich, Markus; Rannenberg, Kai . 2011. "Privacy respecting targeted advertising for social networks", Heraklion, Greece.
- Fischer-Hübner, Simone; Hoofnagle, C,; Krontiris, Ioannis; Rannenberg, Kai; Waidner, Michael. 2011. "Empirical evaluation of fair-use flat rate strategies for mobile Internet, Business & Information Systems Engineering".
- Camenisch, Jan; Krontiris, Ioannis; Lehmann, Anja; Neven, Gregory; Paquin, Christian; Rannenberg, Kai; Zwingelberg, Harald. 2011. "D2.1 Architecture for Attribute-based Credential Technologies – Version 1".
- Heim, Stephan; Böttcher, Katja, Rannenberg, Kai. 2011. "Social Networks und Netzwerkmanagement – Kann man aus der Datenschutzdiskussion zu Social Networks für das Netzwerkmanagement lernen?", Proceedings der Konferenz interPM in Glashütten 2011, In: Neu denken: vom Projekt- zum Netzwerkmanagement, Eds. Martin Engstler; Reinhard Wagner , pp. 11-24, dPunkt Verlag, Heidelberg, 2011.
- Simone Fischer-Hübner, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Ioannis Krontiris, Kai Rannenberg, Michael Waidner. 2011. "Online Privacy: Towards Informational Self-Determination on the Internet ", pp. 1-20,, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Kahl, Christian; Böttcher, Katja . 2010. "Communities, Mobilität und Datenschutz. Innovative Konzepte zum Schutz der Privatsphäre im Projekt PICOS", Forschung Frankfurt, (2010:1), ISBN: 0175-0992,, Frankfurt, Germany.
- Krontiris, Ioannis; Albers, Andreas; Rannenberg, Kai . 2010. "W3C Geolocation API calls for Better User Privacy Protection",, London, United Kingdom.
- Kahl, Christian; Böttcher, Katja; Tschersich, Markus; Heim, Stephan; Rannenberg, Kai . 2010. "Enhanced Privacy and Identity Management for Community Services – Demo of the PICOS project", ISBN: 978-3-642-17693-7, Springer, Ghent, Belgium.
- Kahl, Christian; Böttcher, Katja; Tschersich, Markus; Heim, Stephan; Rannenberg, Kai . 2010. "How to enhance Privacy and Identity Management for Mobile Communities: Approach and User driven Concepts of the PICOS Project", ISBN: 978-3642152566,, Springer, Brisbane, Australia.
- Royer, Denis; Rannenberg, Kai . 2009. "Open Challenges – Towards the (Not So Distant) Future of Identity", In: The Future of Identity - Challenges and Opportunities, ISBN: 978-3-540-88480-4,, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Royer, Denis; Deuker, André; Rannenberg, Kai . 2009. "Mobility and Identity", ISBN: 3-540-88480-07, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Radmacher, Mike; Zibuschka, Jan; Scherner, Tobias; Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2008. "Identitätsmanagement und Privatsphäre. Vertrauen und Kontrolle in Mobilen Contentumgebungen", In: Prozessgestaltung in der Medienproduktion. Neue Geschäftsmodelle und Technologien für Mobile Portale und HD Broadcast, Eds. , GITO, Berlin, Germany.
- Zibuschka, Jan; Radmacher, Mike; Scherner, Tobias; Rannenberg, Kai . 2007. "Empowering LBS Users: Technical, Legal and Economic Aspects", The Hague, Netherlands.
- Zibuschka, Jan; Fritsch, Lothar; Radmacher, Mike; Scherner, Tobias; Rannenberg, Kai . 2007. "Enabling Privacy of Real-Life LBS: A Platform for Flexible Mobile Service Provisioning", Sandton, South Africa.
- Zibuschka, Jan; Fritsch, Lothar; Radmacher, Mike; Scherner, Tobias; Rannenberg, Kai . 2007. "Privacy-Friendly LBS: A Prototype-supported Case Study", CO, USA.
- Radmacher, Mike; Zibuschka, Jan; Scherner, Tobias; Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2007. "Privatsphärenfreundliche topozentrische Dienste unter Berücksichtigung rechtlicher", Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Zibuschka, Jan; Scherner, Tobias; Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2006. "Towards a Unified Interface for Privacy Regulation-conformant Location-based Services",, Ispra, Italy.
- Scherner, Tobias; Zibuschka, Jan; Rannenberg, Kai . 2006. "Präsentation: Ortsbasierte Dienste unter Nutzung verschiedener mobiler Infrastrukturen", In: DIN Workshop Ortsbasierte Dienste unter Nutzung verschiedener mobiler Infrastrukturen, u.a. Ad-hoc Networking, Eds. , Berlin, Germany.
- Royer, Denis; Rannenberg, Kai . 2006. "Mobilität", Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, (30:9), ISBN: 0724-4371, pp. 571–575,
- Fritsch, Lothar; Scherner, Tobias; Rannenberg, Kai . 2006. "Von Anforderungen zur verteilten, Privatsphären-respektierenden Infrastruktur", Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, Mannheim, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Schneider, Ingo; Figge, Stefan . 2005. "Mobile Systeme und Anwendungen - Editorial zum Schwerpunktheft", WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, (47:1).
- Rannenberg, Kai; Albers, Andreas; Figge, Stefan; Radmacher, Mike; Roßnagel, Heiko . 2005. "Mobile Commerce – Forschungsfragen am Scheideweg der Mobilfunkgenerationen", Augsburg, Germany.
- Pisko, Evgenia; Rannenberg, Kai; Roßnagel, Heiko . 2005. "Trusted Computing in Mobile Platforms - Players, Usage Scenarios, and Interests", Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, (29:9), pp. 526-530.,
- Muntermann, Jan; Roßnagel, Heiko; Rannenberg, Kai . 2005. "Mobile Brokerage Infrastructures - Capabilities and Security Requirements",, Regensburg, Germany.
- Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2005. "Mobile Goverment", Otto Schmidt, Düsseldorf, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 2004. "Identity management in mobile cellular networks and related applications", Information Security Technical Report, (9:1), ISBN: 1363-4127, pp. 77–85,, Elsevier Sciences.
- Muntermann, Jan; Roßnagel, Heiko; Rannenberg, Kai . 2004. "Mobile Financial Information Services",, Toulouse, France.
- Muntermann, Jan; Roßnagel, Heiko; Rannenberg, Kai . 2004. "Potentiale und Sicherheitsanforderungen mobiler Finanzinformationsdienste und deren Systeminfrastrukturen", In: E-Science und GRID, Ad-hoc-Netze und Medienintegration, pp. 361-376.,, Bonn, Germany.
- Lindner, Thomas; Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2004. "Exploitation of Public and Private WiFi Coverage for New Business Models",, Toulouse, France.
- Günnewig, Dirk; Rannenberg, Kai; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Stüble, Christian . 2004. "Trusted Computing Platforms – Zur technischen und industriepolitischen Situation und Vorgehensweise", In: Trusted Computing – Technik, Recht und gesellschaftspolitische Implikationen vertrauenswürdiger Systemumgebungen, ISBN: 3-8005-1341-2, pp. 154-162,, Recht und Wirtschaft GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Figge, Stefan; Rannenberg, Kai . 2004. "Inviting New Players to the Multimedia M-Commerce - An approach to enhance the current M-Commerce business model with regard to emerging DVB-T networks", In: Mobile Information Systems,, New York, USA.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Roßnagel, Heiko; Fritsch, Lothar . 2003. "Economics & IT Security Certification", Stockholm, Sweden.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 2003. "Identity Management in Mobile Applications", Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, (27:9), pp. 546-550, Wiesbaden, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 2003. "Sicherheit", In: Taschenbuch der Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik, ISBN: 978-3-8171-1694-2, pp. 353-361, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
- Fritsch, Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2003. "Informationstechnische Voraussetzungen von E-Government am Beispiel des Katastrophenschutzes mittels Mobilkommunikation", In: Tagungsband zur Jahrstagung 2002 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik,, Otto-Schmidt, Cologne, Germany.
- Figge, Stefan; Schrott, Gregor; Muntermann, Jan; Rannenberg, Kai . 2003. "EARNING M-ONEY - A Situation based Approach for Mobile Business Models",, Naples, Italy.
- Figge, Stefan; Schrott, Gregor; Muntermann, Jan; Rannenberg, Kai . 2003. "Expanding Mobile Commerce: Mobile Multimedia als Werbemedium der Zukunft", In: MultiMedia Mobil - Dienste und Inhalte über mobile Plattformen, ISBN: 3-88927-336-X,, Munich, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 2002. "CamWebSIM and Friends: Steps towards Personal Security", In: The Trends and Challenges of Modern Financial Services, pp. 173-176,, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 2002. "Interview: Werbefreie Identität gewünscht", MARKET Magazin für Online-Marketing und E-Commerce, (5:), Munich, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Iachello, Giovanni . 2001. "Protection Profiles for Remailer Mixes", In: Designing Privacy Enhancing Technologies, pp. 181-230,, CA, USA.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Iachello, Giovanni . 2000. "Protection Profiles for Remailer Mixes - Do the new Evaluation Criteria help?", ISBN: 0-7695-0859-6, pp. 107-118,, IEEE CS Press, Louisiana, USA.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 2000. "IT Security Certification and Criteria – Progress, Problems and Perspectives", Proceedings of the 16th Annual Working Conference on Information Security (IFIP/SEC 2000), ISBN: 0-7923-7914-4, pp. 1-10 in Sihan Qing,, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Jan H.P.El:Information Security for Global Information Infrastructures, Beijing, China.
- Kai Rannenberg. 2000. "Multilateral Security - A concept and examples for balanced security", In: Proceedings of the 9th ACM New Security Paradigms Workshop 2000, pp. 151-162,, 2000 Cork, Ireland; ACM Press; ISBN 1-58113-260-3,
- Kai Rannenberg. 2000. "How much negotiation and detail can users handle?", In: Frédéric Cuppens et al.: Computer security: Proceedings of the 6th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, October 4-6, 2000, Toulouse, France; Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1895, Springer-Verlag; ISBN 3-540-41031-7,
- Kai Rannenberg. 2000. "Electronic Commerce und Mehrseitige Sicherheit – Baustellen, Fortschritte und Perspektiven", Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, (15:4), pp. 193-206.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 2000. "Multilateral Security - Why and How?", pp. 520, Maryland, USA.
- Kai Rannenberg. 2000. "Mehrseitige Sicherheit - Schutz für Unternehmen und ihre Partner im Internet", Wirtschaftsinformatik, (42:6), pp. 489-497,
- Rannenberg, Kai; Pfitzmann, Andreas; Mueller, Guenter . 1999. "Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Telekommunikation", In: Mobile und sichere Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen, ISBN: 3-528-05690-8, pp. 35-44, Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Pfitzmann, Andreas; Mueller, Guenter . 1999. "IT Security and Multilateral Security", In: Multilateral Security in Communications – Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, ISBN: 3-8273-1360-0, pp. 21-29, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Massachusetts, USA.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Fox, Dirk . 1999. "Privacy Points", Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, (23:2), pp. 99.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "Sicherheit", Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (22:3), pp. 138-139..
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "What can IT Security Certification do for Multilateral Security?", In: Multilateral Security in Communications – Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, ISBN: 3-8273-1360-0, pp. 515-530, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "IT-Sicherheitszertifizierung – Garantie für Sicherheit?", Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (22:3), pp. 154-161..
- Mueller, Guenter; Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm", Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, (22:1), pp. 61-62..
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "Sicherung internetbasierter Unternehmenskommunikation", Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (36:209), pp. 53-66..
- Mueller, Guenter; Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "Sicherheit in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik – Ein neues DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm", Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, (14:1), pp. 46-48..
- Mueller, Guenter; Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "Security for Global Communications", In: Multilateral Security in Communications – Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, ISBN: 3-8273-1360-0, pp. 11-17, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Massachusetts, USA.
- Mueller, Guenter; Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "Multilateral Security – Empowering Users", In: Multilateral Security in Communications – Technology, Infrastructure, Economy, ISBN: 3-8273-1360-0, pp. 563-570, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Massachusetts, USA.
- Jendricke, Uwe; Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "A MixDemonstrator for teaching Security in the Virtual University", ISBN: 91-7153-910-7, pp. 83-96, Kista, Sweden.
- Bludau, Hans-Bernd; Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "Das Erfahrungsfeld im "Erreichbarkeitsmanagement" im Kontext mehrseitiger Sicherheit – Simulationsstudien als didaktisches Instrument", In: Zur Didaktik der IT-Sicherheit, ISBN: 3-922746-33-0, pp. 173-188, Secu-Media, Ingelheim, Germany.
- Bertsch, Andreas; Rannenberg, Kai; Bunz, Herbert . 1999. "Nachhaltige Überprüfbarkeit digitaler Signaturen", In: Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen, ISBN: 3-528-05709-2, pp. 39-50, Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Bertsch, Andreas; Rannenberg, Kai . 1999. "Lean Infrastructures for Sustainable Digital Signatures", pp. 173-189..
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1998. "Sicherheitszertifizierung", Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, (22:4), pp. 190-192..
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1998. "Datenschutz als Innovationsmotor statt als Technikfeind", In: Der neue Datenschutz - Datenschutz in der Informationsgesellschaft von morgen, ISBN: 3-472-03284-7, pp. 190-205, Neuwied, Germany.
- Fox, Dirk; Rannenberg, Kai . 1998. "Zertifikate – Gütesiegel oder Feigenblatt?", Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, (22:4), pp. 186.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1998. "Kriterien und Zertifizierung mehrseitiger IT-Sicherheit", In: Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen, ISBN: 3-519-02647-3, pp. 98-117,, Teubner, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Damker, Herbert; Pordesch, Ulrich; Rannenberg, Kai; Schneider, Michael . 1998. "Aushandlung mehrseitiger Sicherheit: der Erreichbarkeits- und Sicherheitsmanager", In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik – Erwartung, Akzeptanz, Nutzung, ISBN: 3-8273-1355-0, pp. 29-42, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Bonn, Germany.
- Sobirey, Michael; Fischer-Huebner, Simone; Rannenberg, Kai . 1997. "Pseudonymous Audit for Privacy Enhanced Intrusion Detection", ISBN: 0-412-8178-02, pp. 151-163,, Chapman & Hall, London, United Kingdom.
- Reichenbach, Martin; Damker, Herbert; Federrath, Hannes; Rannenberg, Kai . 1997. "Individual Management of Personal Reachability in Mobile Communication", ISBN: 0-412-8178-02, pp. 163-174,, Chapman & Hall, London, United Kingdom.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Mueller, Guenter . 1997. "Mehrseitige Sicherheit – Nutzer stärken", FIFF-Kommunikation, (14:3), pp. 29-31..
- Rannenberg, Kai; Pfitzmann, Andreas; Mueller, Guenter . 1997. "Sicherheit", ISBN: 3-8273-1116-0, pp. 21-29, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Bonn, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1997. "Tragen Zertifizierung und Evaluationskriterien zu mehrseitiger Sicherheit bei?", In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik – Verfahren, Komponenten, Integration, ISBN: 3-8273-1116-0, pp. 527-562, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Bonn, Germany.
- Mueller, Guenter; Rannenberg, Kai . 1997. "Mehrseitige Sicherheit – Nutzer stärken", In: Mehrseitige Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik – Verfahren, Komponenten, Integration, ISBN: 3-8273-1116-0, pp. 565-572, Addison-Wesley-Longman, Bonn, Germany.
- Mueller, Guenter; Rannenberg, Kai . 1997. "Das Ladenburger Kolleg – Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik", Zeitschrift für Kommunikations- und EDV-Sicherheit, (13:6), pp. 54-56.
- Rannenberg, Kai; Pfitzmann, Andreas; Mueller, Guenter . 1996. "Sicherheit", Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik, (38:4), pp. 7-10,
- Rannenberg, Kai; Damker, Herbert; Langenheder, Werner; Mueller, Guenter . 1995. "Mehrseitige Sicherheit als integrale Eigenschaft von Kommunikationstechnik – Kolleg", In: Jahrbuch „Telekommunikation & Gesellschaft, Eds. , R. v. Decker's, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1995. "Evaluationskriterien zur IT-Sicherheit – Entwicklungen und Perspektiven in der Normung und außerhalb", ISBN: 3-528-05483-2, pp. 45-68,, Vieweg, Braunschweig, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1995. "Normfähigkeit von Test- und Bewertungsmethoden", Datenschutz-Berater, (19:6), pp. 19.
- Damker, Herbert; Rannenberg, Kai; Mueller, Guenter . 1995. "Erreichbarkeitsmanagement und mehrseitige Sicherheit aus Benutzersicht",, Bonn, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1994. "Version 1.0 des Evaluationshandbuches ITSEM", Datenschutz-Berater, (18:5), pp. 5-6.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1994. "Recent Development in Information Technology Security Evaluation – The Need for Evaluation Criteria for multilateral Security", ISBN: 0-444-81831-6,, North-Holland Publishers, St. Petersburg, Amsterdam, .
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1994. "GI und Studierende", Informatik-Spektrum, (17:4), pp. 219.
- Mueller, Guenter; Rannenberg, Kai; Damker, Herbert . 1994. "Kolleg "Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik" eingerichtet", Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, (17:4), pp. 255-257.
- Mueller, Guenter; Rannenberg, Kai . 1994. "Sicherheit in der Kommunikationstechnik – zu Aufgabe und Struktur eines Kollegs", In: Sicherheit von Technik – Ladenburger Kolleg, ISBN: 3-8249-0224-9, pp. 183-189, TÜV Rheinland GmbH, Cologne, Germany.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1993. "The 15th National Computer Security Conference - Security made out of Building Blocks", The Computer Law and Security Report, (9:3), pp. 143-144.
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1993. "Die USA präsentieren den Orange-Book-Nachfolger", Datenschutz-Berater, (17:5), pp. 8-10.
- Pfitzmann, Andreas; Rannenberg, Kai . 1993. "Staatliche Initiativen und Dokumente zur IT-Sicherheit – Eine kritische Würdigung", Computer und Recht, (9:3), pp. 170-179,
- Rannenberg, Kai . 1992. "Tagungsbericht: 15. National Computer Security Conference", pp. 13-15.
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- Gehrke, Michael; Pfitzmann, Andreas; Rannenberg, Kai . 1992. "Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria – a Contribution to Vulnerability?", pp. 579-587,, Madrid, Spain.
- Rienhoff, O.; Lutterbeck, Bernd; Retter, K.; Rannenberg, Kai; Reinecke, Elke . 1991. "Rechtsunsicherheiten bei der digitalen Bildverarbeitung und Archivierung", In: Digitale Radiographie, Referate und Vorträge, ISBN: 3-87018-081-1, pp. 159-164, Schnetztor, Konstanz, Germany.
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- Rannenberg, Kai . 1991. "IT-Sicherheit – Bewertungskriterien auf der VIS", Informatik-Spektrum, (14:4), pp. 235-236.
- Meyer, Martin; Rannenberg, Kai . 1991. "Eine Bewertung der „Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria“", In: Proc. Verläßliche Informationssysteme (VIS'91), pp. 243-258, Springer, Darmstadt, Germany.
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- Alexander Pana, Fatbardh Veseli, Kai Rannenberg. 2020. "Privacy Engineering - A Literature Review".
- David Harborth, Dominik Herrmann, Stefan Köpsell, Sebastian Pape, Christian Roth, Hannes Federrath, Dogan Kesdogan, Kai Rannenberg. 2017. "Integrating Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Into the Internet Infrastructur",
- Van Alsenoy, Brendan; Lievens, Eva; Janssen, Katleen; Dumortier, Jos; Rannenberg, Kai; Yang, Shuzeh; Andersson, Thomas; Abbas, Qammar; Leitold, Herbert; Zwattendorfer, Bernd . 2012. "D3.2 - A Regulatory Framework for INDI Operators", GINI.
- Figge, Stefan; Rossnagel, Heiko; Muntermann, Jan; Albers, Andreas; Fritsch Lothar; Rannenberg, Kai . 2003. "Standardisierung im Mobilfunk und Mobile Commerce", Frankfurt, Germany.
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- Koschinat, Sascha; Bal, Gökhan; Rannenberg, Kai; Hegen, Marvin . 2011. "D6.1.2 - Economic Valuation of Identity Management Enablers",
- Koschinat, Sascha; Rannenberg, Kai, Bal, Gökhan. 2009. "D6.1.1 - Identity Management Infrastructure Protocols for Privacy-enabled SOA",, PrimeLife, Frankfurt, Germany.
- Albers, Andreas; Wolos Lars; Rannenberg, Kai . 2010. "Towards Telco enabled Online and Mobile Payments", Berlin, Germany.
- Müller, Günter; Rannenberg, Kai; Jendricke, Uwe . 1998. "Der Stellenwert von Datenschutz in der Standardisierung von IT-Sicherheit", Germany.
- Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Terhaag, Frank. 2018. "Stand zur IT-Sicherheit deutscher Stromnetzbetreiber", Technical Report,, Universität Siegen.
- Dax, Julian; Ley, Benedikt; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volker; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André. 2017. "Stand zur IT-Sicherheit deutscher Stromnetzbetreiber", Technical Report,, Universität Siegen.
- Dax, Julian; Ivan, Ana; Ley, Benedikt; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volker; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, Andre. 2017. "IT Security Status of German Energy Providers", Technical Report,, Cornell University, arXiv.
- Dax, Julian; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Terhaag, Frank. 2018. "Das SIDATE-Portal im Einsatz", State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pp. 145-150, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.
- Dax, Julian; Hamburg, Daniel; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Terhaag, Frank. 2018. "Sichere Informationsnetze bei kleinen und mittleren Energieversorgern (SIDATE)", State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pp. 29, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.
- Dax, Julian; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Terhaag, Frank. 2018. "Stand der IT-Sicherheit bei deutschen Stromnetzbetreibern", State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pp. 69-74, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.
- Hamburg, Daniel; Niephaus, Thorsten; Noll, Wolfgang; Pape, Sebastian; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher. 2018. "SIDATE: Gefährdungen und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen", In: State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, Eds. Rudel, D. and Lechner, U., pp. 51, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.
- M. Hansen, H. Obersteller, K. Rannenberg, and F. Veseli. 2015. "Establishment and Prospects of Privacy-ABCs", In: Attribute-based Credentials for Trust, Eds. Rannenberg K., Camenisch J., Sabouri A., ISBN: 978-3-319-14439-9, pp. 345-360, DOI:, Springer.